Big and strong, but never intimidating; handsome and sexy, but he can actually be a bit shy if you compliment his size. Warm and reliable, he’s a good friend to have in your corner. And thanks to his amulet, he can sometimes be a much bigger friend — whether intentionally or by accident!


Age: 32 years old

Species: Coyena (hybrid, 75% coyote, 25% hyena)

Normal Height: 6 foot 1 inch

Gender & Orientation: Male; gay

Eye Color: Green

Coat Color: Blue-grey with dark brown spots; white chest/belly, dark ears, muzzle & chin; dark “gloves,” white “socks,” white tailtip

Mane/Hair: Dark color, worn long; bangs in front, ponytail in back

Other Details: Sometimes wears eyeglasses (nearsighted)

Adult Details

Flesh Color: Pink (nipples, dick)

Dick Length: 8”

Physical Description

Zephyrus has a very muscular build; depending on the season and his workout regimen, he can be fairly cut (abdominal visible through his fur), or he can have a bit of padding if he’s bulking. (See Variables below.) His features tend a bit more towards coyote: triangular ears, long muzzle, long bushy tail.

He usually dresses casually, if a bit revealingly: shorts, jeans, T-shirts, tank tops, open vests, etc.

Anatomically, he is well endowed, good length, and hefty.


Zephyrus wears an amulet which allows him to change (or may accidentally change) his overall size, his mass and muscularity, and/or his endowment.

See Rules of Growth for more information.

Work & Hobbies

Zephyrus plays both rock and classical guitar, as well as ukulele; he’s doesn’t work as a professional but he’s good enough to have played sets at local coffee shops or filled in with some bands.

When he’s not traveling or playing guitar, he manages a local gym, keeping himself in shape. He also maintains a smaller private gym of his own, where he mostly provides personal training sessions to some of his clients, away from the noise and bustle of the main gym.


Zephyrus embodies the idea of a “gentle giant.” He has a potentially imposing size and muscularity, but his nature is peaceful, friendly, and helpful. He abhors bullies and will always step in to defend anyone being bullied. He can also be a bit shy and self-deprecating: He knows his size and has worked hard to build it, yet part of him is almost always surprised when someone comments or compliments him about it.

Sexually, Zephyrus is very open, but usually prefers to share intimate time with friends or with people he admires. He can also be shy about this too, though; he may be nervous to bring up the subject with a new friend, and he may be bashful and surprised if someone approaches him.


The oldest of the coyena siblings, Zephyrus was always bright, even skipping a grade in elementary school. However, he was also routinely teased and bullied as a young child by other school kids because he was a hybrid. 

By the time he was a freshman in high school he’d started weightlifting during the quietest hours at the school gym, both for self-defense and to try to build self-confidence. An older student, a “passing” hybrid himself, noticed him and took him under his wing, giving him both emotional and training guidance. It became quickly apparent that those same hybrid genes made him exceptionally good and building up muscle mass; by the second half of high school Zephyrus had become much more popular with students, teachers, and coaches alike, respected and beloved by friends and feared by bullies.

Zephyrus quickly developed a crush on his mentor. Upon graduation, he visited his friend and professed his love; although they shared some time together, the relationship was ultimately unrequited, as his friend had already fallen in love and was in fact planning to move cross country to join him. Zephyrus accepted this and has had many romances since then, but has never fully forgotten his first love.

Because of his childhood, and in spite of his newly-imposing size, Zephyrus grew up to be friendly and empathic; he abhors bullying and violence, and will always stand up for anyone being picked on or taken advantage of. And although he’s generally friendly and outgoing and can be playful or show off at times (or be imposing if the situation warrants it), he also maintains a bit of that “small fry” mentality, as his self-image still includes that scrawny young kid: At times he can be shy and self-deprecating, self-conscious when being complimented by his physique or hit on by an interested partner.

Zephyrus is generally pretty low-key and relaxed about life. His family’s wealth and his job allows him plenty of leisure time, but he lives simply and likes to spend as much time as possible traveling to interesting places and hangin out with friends, romantic or otherwise.

Zephyrus and Arley

By ArleyDog


By BenBenCoo


By BobbyLontra


By Catsudon

Zephyrus Pec Meme

By Cooner


By Darknaig


By Denshi


By Denshi

Zephyrus Badge

By Donryu

Zephyrus Portrait

By Grey White

Sketch Page

By Grey White

Shower Fresh

By Hikaze

Pose Like This?

By Komoroshi


By Macrolee


By Pac

Zephyrus Portrait

By Sammy Harlan

Here’s Wonderwall

By Shenanigan


By TboneDraws

Zephyrus Headshot

By TheBlueBear


By TheChocoFox


By Tooiebird


By TylerPanda


By WizzDono

Gift Delivery

By AdiosArts

(Warning: NSFW)

Ukulele Practice

By AmonOmega

(Warning: NSFW)

Zephyrus & Blazer

By AmonOmega

(Warning: NSFW)

Zephyrus and Arley

By ArleyDog

(Warning: NSFW)

Measuring Progress

By Foxudders

(Warning: NSFW)


By Freckles

(Warning: NSFW)

This Shirt Doesn’t Fit

By Kokuboo

(Warning: NSFW)


By lewdbeans

(Warning: NSFW)

Wardrobe Malfunction

By Mich Wolfestein

(Warning: NSFW)


By Shenanigan

(Warning: NSFW)


By Snares

(Warning: NSFW)


By Thy Carker

(Warning: NSFW)


By Vasuki

(Warning: NSFW)


By Vasuki

(Warning: NSFW)

Big Zephyrus (Gift)

By Anubiis_Werewolf

Beach Bash

By Cooner

Zeph in San Antonio

By Crux

Amulet Demo

By EclipticalFusion

Too Big For This Town

By Jarggy

Hey! Down Here!

By KekeFlipnote

Pink Shirt

By MineDoo

Sprinkles Effect

By Sharps!

Special Delivery

By Teaselbone

Favorite Shirt

By Teaselbone

Beach Mishap

By AdiosArts

(Warning: NSFW)

Growing Relationship

By AmonOmega

(Warning: NSFW)

Macro Zephyrus

By Clamcrusher

(Warning: NSFW)

Zephyrus meets Felix

By Cooner

(Warning: NSFW)

Close Quarters

By DeadStrayBear

(Warning: NSFW)

Iridium & Zephyrus 1

By Kihu

(Warning: NSFW)

Iridium & Zephyrus 2

By Kihu

(Warning: NSFW)

Iridium & Zephyrus 3

By Kihu

(Warning: NSFW)

Growth Spurt

By Kihu

(Warning: NSFW)

Seeing Double

By Kobi la Croix

(Warning: NSFW)

Amulet Mishap

By Sharps!

(Warning: NSFW)

Shoe Shopping

By Teaselbone

(Warning: NSFW)

Heading to Brunch

By Cooner

Stolen Amulet

By Pac


By RattyKai

Stolen Amulet

By Scruff


By Baphypaws

(Warning: NSFW)

Underwear Models

By Cats’N’Briefs

(Warning: NSFW)

Donryu & Coyenas

By Donryu

(Warning: NSFW)

Nude Beach Walk

By Foxudders

(Warning: NSFW)

Friendly Competition

By JoeLasko

(Warning: NSFW)

Nude Volleyball

By Shenanigan

(Warning: NSFW)

Zephyrus & Eurus

By Snares

(Warning: NSFW)

Zephyrus & Eurus

By SolidAsp

(Warning: NSFW)

Zephyrus & Duncan

By Cooner

By Herbie

By K-9

By Poop

By Poop

By Poop

By Snares

By Spunky

By Spunky

By Spunky

Cooner & Zephyrus

By Zexyz

Zephyrus & Iridium

By Cooner

(Warning: NSFW)

By Dormouse

(Warning: NSFW)

By Gideon

(Warning: NSFW)

By K-9

(Warning: NSFW)

By K-9

(Warning: NSFW)

By Ken Cougr

(Warning: NSFW)

Graduation Mishap

By Ken Cougr

(Warning: NSFW)

By Moonstalker

(Warning: NSFW)

By Moonstalker

(Warning: NSFW)

By SolidAsp

(Warning: NSFW)

Zephyrus & Moonstalker

By Spunky

(Warning: NSFW)

By Teaselbone

(Warning: NSFW)

Coyenas created by Cooner. All artwork on this site © its respective creator.

Please do not copy or redistribute any portions of this material by mechanical, electronic, or other means.