Art by Ducky

Art by SolidAsp

Austeria owns and wears a wristlet, a silver bracelet with a sliver of green Amasethyst set within it. It works in much the same way as Zephyrus’ amulet, but with its own history.


As the middle daughter, Austeria occasionally had the chance to try the family’s amulet, but tradition demanded it be passed on to the oldest sibling, Zephryus. Austeria was only slightly jealous. Even so, Austeria followed in her father’s footsteps as a biotechnology scientist, and studied and researched within many of the fields (even working with Boreas from time to time).

Eventually, there came a time when, through a complicated chain of academic contacts, perseverance, and some blind luck, Austeria found she’d managed to acquire one of the few other rare pieces of Amasethyst, this one green in color and slightly smaller than Zephyrus’. With her father’s help, she was able to set it into a silver wristlet, and managed to replicate and revise her father’s designs to build her own version of the device.


Security. Austeria’s wristlet mirrors the security system designed and built by her father for the amulet. An accelerometer detects if the device is in motion. A second circuit generates a field around the amulet, keyed to particular sequences of DNA that are common to Boreas and his children. And if the accelerometer detects movement while there is no coyena DNA within a radius of about three meters, a third circuit generates a field within the crystal which increases its mass exponentially, eventually and effectively rendering the wristlet immobile and unmovable to any would-be thieves or pranksters.

Size-increasing. Using the same mass-field-affecting properties of the crystal and copying Boreas’ designs, the wristlet allows its wearer to increase their overall size, their muscle mass, or other physical size attributes, almost limitlessly—although since her crystal is smaller than Zephyrus’ amulet, the effects may be slightly slower to produce or less unlimited.

The “interface” is controlled mentally by a small circuit that operates on the wearer’s brain’s electrical field. Due to the crystal’s structure, size-changing effects only last so long as the amulet is being worn or is in close physical contact with the wearer. Also, the interface is mental and requires a modicum of conscious thought; it’s easy enough to maintain with some practice, but the effects will wear off if the wearer falls asleep or otherwise becomes unconscious.

Reliability. Because Austeria built the entire system from scratch, and was able to iterate on her father’s designs (essentially a prototype), her wristlet tends to be more stable than the amulet, rarely glitching or causing unintended effects. It has been known to happen, however.

Final Word

If this all seems implausible? Remember that on Austeria’s world, science and magic are intertwined and inseparable, making such seemingly ridiculous things possible.

See also: Rules of Growth for more information about limits and stipulations on magic and science.

Coyenas created by Cooner. All artwork on this site © its respective creator.

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