Youthful and innocent. Notus is Boreas’ nephew, the son of his sister, and the sibling’s younger cousin. Growing up on the family farm in the northeast, Notus is the “country cousin” to the rest of the coyena family’s more urban lifestyle. Nonetheless, he is friendly and adventurous.


Age: 21 years old

Species: Coyena (hybrid, 25% coyote, 75% hyena)

Height: 5 foot 9 inches

Gender & Orientation: Male, gay

Eye Color: Brown

Coat Color: Tawny grey-brown with lighter spots. Chest, muzzle, “gloves” and “socks” slightly lighter in color. Pink nose.

Mane/Hair: Long and light colored, worn loose or sometimes tied into a long ponytail

Adult Details

Flesh Color: Pink (nipples, dick)

Dick Length: 6.5”, uncut

Physical Description

Notus is of average height and build, slightly on the chubby side. His features are more hyena-shaped — short muzzle and tail, round ears — but his coat is much more coyote-like, light tawny-grey in color with a few white spots.

He usually dresses appropriately for the country and farm. He does have a bit of a femme side, though, so he does like to wear his clothes loosle or in a slightly revealing way if possible. He wears his hair long, occasionally tied back in a ponytail when he needs to work.

Work & Hobbies

Notus is still deciding what he wants to do with his life. In the meantime, he helps by working small jobs on the family farm.


Notus is friendly and approachable and loves meeting and talking to new people. He’s got a touch of innocence about him, almost a naivety. That said, while he’s grown up in the country, he does travel whenever he can, especially to visit his cousins, and loves seeing as much of the world as he can.


Notus is the son of Boreas’ younger sister (also half-coyote half-hyena) and her hyena husband. He sometimes jokes that he’s a “hyote” rather than a coyena. Much like Boreas, even though he’s a hybrid, he was raised in the same loving and supportive community and has been mostly shielded from the worst discrimination.

Notus has been unable to settle on what he’d like to do with his life. He does love to travel, although he’s sometimes taken aback by prejudice when he tours the greater world. However, he takes such in stride as much as he can, and particularly looks up to his cousins Zephyrus, Austeria, and Eurus as the best role models a country hybrid could have.


By BobbyLontra


By Cooner

Notus on a Fence

By Cooner

Notus Showing his Paws

By Scruff

Notus Nude on a Fence

By Cooner

(Warning: NSFW)


By Strawbear_Arts

Coyenas created by Cooner. All artwork on this site © its respective creator.

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