Eurus was a rather moody kid, growing up in the shadow of his two older and bigger siblings. But now, as a young adult, he’s whipped himself into shape (and got a few regional skateboarding championships under his belt), he’s a lot more self-confident, and even a bit cocky sometimes. He’s also horny as hell.


Age: 24 years old

Species: Coyena (hybrid, 75% coyote, 25% hyena)

Normal Height: Six foot

Gender & Orientation: Male; identifies as straight, but homoflexible

Eye Color: Brown

Coat Color: Blue-grey with dark brown spots; white chest/belly with dark triangle on chest; dark ears, muzzle & chin, dark “gloves” and “socks,” dark tailtip

Mane/Hair: Dark color, worn short and spikey, blending into a mane down the center of his back

Adult Details

Flesh Color: Dark olive-brown (nipples, dick)

Dick Length: 9 3/4”

Physical Description

Eurus has a much leaner build, unable to build as much mass as his older siblings; but he’s still put the work in over the years, and has developed an impressive athletic build. His features tend a bit more towards hyena than his other siblings: larger round ears, shorter muzzle, short curled tail.

He tends to dress revealingly but stylishly: designer board shorts, printed T-shirts, and so on. He’s not afraid to show off his body.

Anatomically, he is very well endowed and hefty — even moreso than his older brother, by a good inch or two!


Eurus does not (yet) possess an amulet or wristlet like his older siblings. However, he does have a bit of an obsession with getting as big or bigger than them; so any chance he has to “borrow” either of their devices, or try out any other crazy potion or spell or protein supplement he can find, he’s always willing to take a chance.

See Rules of Growth for more information.

Work & Hobbies

As a teen, Eurus used his athletic form for some mean skateboarding, even winning a few regional championship trophies and a short-lived local sponsorship with his prowess.

He still boards occasionally, but mostly his focus has been graduating with his degree in art and design; he’s living off freelance work for now while he travels and decides what he wants to do with his life.


Growing up in his older siblings’ shadows, Eurus has developed a bit of a competitive streak; he likes to show off when he can. He’s still a close and reliable friend and defensive of those he cares about; he can just get a bit carried away sometimes.

Sexually, Eurus identifies as straight; however, he tends to be horny all the time, and ever since he found his body is attractive to both females and males alike, he’s had no problem letting other guys ogle him, touch him, or even get him off. And in the spirit of fairness, he’ll even return the favor. As he says: with the world the way it is, it’s not worth turning down the chance to share some good feelings, just because the other person is a dude.


The youngest sibling, Eurus was a sensitive child with an artistic soul. He spent his school years under the implicit protection of his two older, bigger siblings, so while he avoided much overt bullying, although there was still a bit of more quiet teasing. He was at the time somewhat resentful of living under their shadow. So for much of his youth he put on a moody, rebellious persona.

As he got into his high school years, he gradually grew out of that resentfulness, and his experience manifested into a friendly but very bold and competitive personality. He started weightlifting like his older siblings, but found his genetic makeup only seemed to allow him a lean, athletic build, not to build up a lot of mass. Even so, he became proud of the build he accomplished and knew it was an attractive one, and wasn’t afraid to strut his stuff or show off for others.

He dated many girls in high school, but as his physique improved, he attracted the notice of gay and bisexual friends as well. While he’s always considered himself straight, when some of those friends began to approach him timidly in the locker room, he both felt bad about disappointing them, and was raging with enough ego and puberty-level hormones that he found he didn’t mind the attention at all. So he developed his complex, open-minded and unselfconscious view on sexual relationships, being romantically heterosexual but willing and enthusiastic about sex with almost anyone regardless of gender.

He took up skateboarding as a hobby, and proved pretty good at it; he competed for awhile, winning a few regional trophies, briefly, a local product sponsorship; but ultimately that returned to being a hobby so he could focus on developing his artistic design and media talents in college.

While he loves and gets along with his older siblings, he’s always remained envious of Zephyrus’ ability to build muscle mass (while remaining cocky about his larger malehood), and frustrated that he doesn’t own anything like Zephyrus’ amulet or Austeria’s wristlet. He gets a bit obsessive about it sometimes, and is often willing to try any scientific/magical solution that comes along that can temporarily grant him more size, more muscle, even larger endowment, or any combination thereof—with sometimes amusing or embarrassing results.

Eurus Badge

By Donryu


By EclipticalFusion

Eurus Portrait

By Sammy Harlan

Locker Room Eurus

By TheBlueBear

Eurus Headshot

By TheBlueBear


By TylerPanda


By BobbyLontra

(Warning: NSFW)


By Clamcrusher

(Warning: NSFW)

Steamroom Eurus

By Kihu

(Warning: NSFW)


By Snares

(Warning: NSFW)

Eurus v. Rita Repulsa

By Crux

Eurus v. von der Beak

By DohnutAttack

Amulet Mishap

By KnaveOfClubs

Eurus Buffed

By BirdBroArt

(Warning: NSFW)

Borrowed Amulet

By Donryu

(Warning: NSFW)

Eurus Finds Coop’s Stash By Kihu

(Warning: NSFW)

Eurus with River

By lewdbeans

(Warning: NSFW)

Eurus Brotine Shake

By Shenanigan

(Warning: NSFW)

Huge Eurus

By Shenaniwhagons

(Warning: NSFW)

Eurus Drunk on Protein By SuckMcJones

(Warning: NSFW)

Street Surfing

By VanillaMilkweed

(Warning: NSFW)

Heading to Brunch

By Cooner

Stolen Amulet

By Pac


By RattyKai

Stolen Amulet

By Scruff


By Strawbear_Arts


By Baphypaws

(Warning: NSFW)

Underwear Models

By Cats’N’Briefs

(Warning: NSFW)

Donryu & Coyenas

By Donryu

(Warning: NSFW)

Nude Beach Walk

By Foxudders

(Warning: NSFW)

Nude Volleyball

By Shenanigan

(Warning: NSFW)

Zephyrus & Eurus

By Snares

(Warning: NSFW)

Zephyrus & Eurus

By SolidAsp

(Warning: NSFW)

Young Eurus

By SolidAsp

Coyenas created by Cooner. All artwork on this site © its respective creator.

Please do not copy or redistribute any portions of this material by mechanical, electronic, or other means.