Boreas is the kind of guy you might be nervous about meeting in a dark alley, with his visible size and power. But he’s actually gentle as a mouse, and highly intellectual. He’s more than willing to stand up for what’s right or to defend himself and others, but generally he’d prefer to keep to himself and work at his scientific theories.


Age: 57 years old

Species: Coyena (hybrid, 50% hyena, 50% coyote)

Height: 6 foot 6 inches

Gender & Orientation: Male; mostly straight

Eye Color: Brown

Coat Color: Blue-grey with dark brown spots; brown chest/belly with darker treasure trail from chest to crotch; brown ears, muzzle & chin, brown “gloves” and “socks,” brown tailtip

Mane/Hair: Greying, cropped short, blending into mane down back; grey soul patch on chin

Other Details: Wears eyeglasses

Adult Details

Flesh Color: Dark olive-brown (nipples, dick)

Dick Length: 12 1/2”

Physical Description

Boreas is a huge mountain of a man, taller than most, with a refrigerator build: heavyset, but stacked with powerful muscle underneath. Being a full half-hyena, his hyena traits are much more dominant than in any of his kids: darker fur, more hyena-ish face and ears, short wiry tail, and so on.

An introverted scientist type through and through, Boreas tends to wear casual business attire like slacks and button-down collared shirts, even on his days off. 

Anatomically, Boreas is extremely well endowed — just over a foot long — and very hefty.


In his younger days, Boreas did the original work that activated Zeph’s amulet (and helped Austeria design her wristlet on the same principles). However, while he did use it a few times for testing or for fun at the time, his interest was always more academic than practical, and he felt no loss in handing the device off to his oldest son when he was old enough to inherit it.

See Rules of Growth for more information.

Work & Hobbies

Boreas is usually absorbed in his work as a scientist, focused on biotechnology; he does research at the local university, mostly for large corporations and occasionally for the government.

When he’s not in his lab, he’s usually spending time with his family. Since Aura often works long irregular hours in the restaurant industry, Boreas has become the family cook, preparing home-style meals or sometimes firing up the barbecue pit. He also likes to head up into the mountains for some camping and fishing.


Boreas has always had a quiet and calm, yet strong and commanding presence. While he’d usually prefer to keep to himself or his family, or focus on some of his scientific work or reading, he can be friendly when he needs to be, and can stand up for himself when necessary.

Sexually, Boreas is utterly devoted to his wife, Aura. In his youth, though, he was known to fool around with both guys and girls … at least, those who approached him and were able to distract him from his studies.


Boreas, a first-generation hybrid, son of a coyote father and hyena mother, had the luxury of growing up in a small rural town. Because everyone knew and relied on everyone else, his parents’ mixed relationship was much more tolerated, and he grew up without the discrimination he might have experienced elsewhere.

As a result, he grew up in a nurturing environment, both mentally and physically; manual labor on his family’s farm and helping neighbors with projects made him grow large and strong; but his keen scientific and mathematical mind was also recognized and encouraged. By the time he was in his senior year of high school, he had won a scholarship to attend a large urban university, where he studied biotechnology, and met his future wife, Aura.

From childhood, Boreas had had a somewhat vague sexuality; intelligent but introverted, left on his own he was usually wrapped up in his studies or his chores. But he was polite and handsome and a bit exotic; through school and early college he was drawn out by both male and female suitors and had his share of experiences with both. When he met Aura, however, he met his true love, and finally blossomed into a caring, attentive romantic partner.

Over time Boreas graduated with his bachelor’s degree, then his masters, and several PhDs, and generally stayed within the sphere of his university for most of his career. A lot of his work there has been supported or funded by industrial and government contracts; and he has several patents in his name which make up the bulk of his financial contribution to the family.


By Cooner

Boreas Dad Bod

By Cooner

Boreas Quick Study

By Cooner

(Warning: NSFW)

Boreas Beach Day

By Manster

(Warning: NSFW)

University Lab Accident

By Aokmaidu

Happy Accidents

By Teaselbone

Boreas & Aura Beachwalk

By BobbyLontra

Boreas & Aura Fun Time

By Baphypaws

(Warning: NSFW)

Coyenas created by Cooner. All artwork on this site © its respective creator.

Please do not copy or redistribute any portions of this material by mechanical, electronic, or other means.