Strong yet feminine, Austeria is the kind of gal lots of men (and women) might admire. But be careful not to get on her bad side; she can look after herself! A bit sassier and more self-confident than her older brother, she knows her strengths. And with her mathematical mind, she’s intelligent enough to know how to use them.


Age: 28 years old

Species: Coyena (hybrid, 75% coyote, 25% hyena)

Normal Height: 5 foot 11 inches

Gender & Orientation: Female; bisexual

Eye Color: Violet

Coat Color: Blue-grey with dark brown spots; white chest/belly, dark ears, muzzle & chin; white “gloves” and “socks,” white tailtip

Mane/Hair: Dark color, naturally long and straight; sometimes worn in a ponytail or bun, or styled into waves or curls

Other Details: Sometimes wears computer/reading eyeglasses

Adult Details

Flesh Color: Pink (nipples)

Physical Description

Austeria has a muscular yet feminine build, nearly as big as her older brother. While strong, she usually maintains a bit of softness about her. Her features tend a bit more towards coyote: triangular ears, long muzzle, long bushy tail.

She tends to dress stylishly to accentuate her attributes: long or short skirts, athletic shorts, tight blouses or spaghetti tank tops, etc.

Anatomically, she has very full and nicely-shaped breasts.


Like her brother, Austeria wears a wristlet on her arm which allows her to change her overall size, her mass and muscularity, and/or other specific endowments. It tends to be much more reliable than Zeph’s device.

See Rules of Growth for more information.

Work & Hobbies

Like her father, Austeria went to college to become a scientist, specializing in biotechnology. After graduation she continued on at the university doing research, often crossing paths with her father at his work.

Outside of the lab, Austeria is a bit nerdy … she loves all kinds of tabletop RPGs, as well as movies and comics, and sci-fi/fantasy fiction. She’ll occasionally go out clubbing, hoping to impress both guys and gals with her looks and her brains.


Austeria is friendly and sociable; in some ways she’s a lot more outgoing than her older brother, and enjoys teasing people with her size and beauty. She’s never mean-spirited, although she will stand up for herself or her friends if necessary.

Sexually, like her brother, she is outgoing but prefers to be intimate with people she already knows or whom she respects. However, she can be a lot more forward and aggressive about dating the guys or girls she’s interested in than Zeph.


Austeria was a few years behind her older brother, and her school life was a bit easier than his, for a few reasons: Older students had already become used to a coyote-hyena hybrid by her time; and it was well-known that the older, larger Zephyrus would also thump anyone who tried to tease and bully her.

Also, by the time she reached middle school, she was already developing into an attractive and well-proportioned young woman; many of those who might have harassed a male hybrid became more interested in her as an object of desire. She gradually learned to use this to her advantage; she learned all her weapons of when to be charming, when to be coy, and when to tease, deftly keeping both bullies and potential suitors at bay. By high school she was comfortably romancing male and female schoolmates alike, sharing plenty of experiences but always on her own terms.

She followed her older brother’s path at the gym, too, and for the same reasons: for self-defense when necessary, and for self-respect. While she always maintained a feminine air, she proved a capable as her brother of building up mass and strength.

With these childhood experiences, Austeria grew up to be confident and outgoing. She also became somewhat of a flirt, teasing friends and strangers alike; almost but not quite manipulative, she became very good at subtly controlling any social situation, with a word or a glance encouraging good behaviors and deflecting or shutting down bad ones.

Outside of her social activities, and with a good head for numbers, she pursued a scientific track in high school and followed her father’s footsteps studying biotechnology in college. While she still loves to party and hang out with friends, when she’s on her own she’s usually immersed in her work or her research.


By BobbyLontra


By Moonstalker

Austeria Headshot

By TheBlueBear

Roleplaying Night

By Ducky

(Warning: NSFW)

Roleplaying Night

By Ducky / Color by Kenny

(Warning: NSFW)

Heading to Brunch

By Cooner


By Baphypaws

(Warning: NSFW)

Donryu & Coyenas

By Donryu

(Warning: NSFW)

Nude Beach Walk

By Foxudders

(Warning: NSFW)

Friendly Competition

By JoeLasko

(Warning: NSFW)

Nude Volleyball

By Shenanigan

(Warning: NSFW)

Austeria at Work

By Moonstalker

Austeria Pose

By Moonstalker


By SolidAsp

Austeria Workout

By SolidAsp

Austeria Growth

By SolidAsp

(Warning: NSFW)

Coyenas created by Cooner. All artwork on this site © its respective creator.

Please do not copy or redistribute any portions of this material by mechanical, electronic, or other means.