Note: The “Friends” section is still heavily under construction.
Primary relationships: Former roommate to Branko
A ram from the Mediterranean island of Thalassanisos. For a brief time he studied cooking arts and was a roommate of Branko “Beef” Stroganov, during which time he picked up his nickname “Tzatziki” both because of his cooking style, and because of his impressively cucumber-sized endowment. However, his amorous nature made it difficult for him to focus on his studies, and he eventually failed out of school and became a successful male model instead.
Full name: Demitri “Tzatziki” Portokalos
Age: 28 years old
Species: Ram
Height: 5 foot 8 inches
Gender & Orientation: Male, bisexual
Eye Color: color
Coat Color: description
Mane/Hair: description
Flesh Color: color
Work and hobbies.
Coyenas created by Cooner. All artwork on this site © its respective creator.
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